Body Language Tips
Body language is innate … we’ve been communicating through our bodies since we first walked on two legs millions of years ago. We didn’t have spoken languages until about 160,000 years ago. To be an effective communicator, our words and our body language need to be in sync. You can’t say one thing and mean another — your body will give you away. Here are a few tips about using our bodies effectively during television interviews.
- Use them as “highlighters” to emphasize a point. Be conscious of the camera shot: if its close-up your hands may simply flail across the camera lens, distracting and out of context.
- When doing a demo, ask beforehand if you can pick up product. The camera may be in a fixed position, and picking up the item will ruin the shot.
- If demonstrating something, always try to rehearse ahead of time, so you will know what your space/camera limitations are.
- During seated interview, hold hands on lap lightly touching, keep them comfortable and in conversation position, folded or steepled.
- Eyes are the lamplight into the soul — Good eye contact makes you seem authentic and honest. Drifting eyes signal dishonesty or makes you seem inauthentic..
- When hosting, treat the camera as if it is your best friend or your favorite relative.
- When interviewer or interviewee, look at them, not directly at camera. Camera will find you; you don’t need to find it!
- Stand or sit straight: good posture enhances credibility DON’T SLUMP!
- Crossing legs when sitting fine, but men, do not open crossed legs — its too familiar & intimidating
- Keep it normal: when nervous, adrenalin tends to make our voices go faster and higher. SLOW DOWN if you need to, and keep your pitch lower
- Practice using your lowest possible tones
- Don’t be a valley girl or use vocal fry — no inflections up at end of sentence that turn it into question