Presentation Training Courses

There are many presentation training courses out there, but few do what we do:  give you concrete practices that will help you make powerful presentations.  There are some basics:


First, you must keep it simple.  Start with your top takeaway:  what do you want your audience to walk out the door with.  Never lose sight of that.   If you use slides or props, make sure they are easy to read and understand. I like using video clips.   They can enhance your presentation, show examples, and sometimes provide a good laugh.   But always make sure that your technology works.


Second, no jargon.   If people don’t understand, they lose interest.


Third, keep them engaged.  Many presentation training courses don’t talk about interactivity.   In today’s world of short attention spans, we must constantly keep our audience guessing – like the fear we had that a college professor would call on us.  Strategically move, have good eye contact, add variety to your voice, ask rhetorical questions, and paint pictures in their minds.   The best way to be memorable is to tell stories. 


If you would like more easy tips, try our virtual presentation training course at commnicationcounts™.   It’s easy and it works.

Jane Hanson